19.06.25Thursday 6:00PM - 7:30PM
Nick White - I'm Scared, BabeComedy / Standup

Is Nick White the first comedian to struggle with their mental health? Yes.

Will he also be the first to talk about it for an hour on stage? Yes.

Join Nick as he recounts his journey from a scared little boy to a scared fully-grown man. Joined by special guest Carli Furplam, AKA the Dull Coworker (she’s also scared).

Nick has been featured in The GuardianHuffPostThe IndependentJunkee and Time Out Melbourne, and has appeared on triple j 
and The Project. You may also recognize him from his often unbearable characters online which have resonated with millions.

These tickets are limited so be quick!

6:00pm - Doors
6:30PM - Show Starts

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