27.07.23Thursday 8:00PM - 10:00PM
Barefaced Stories | Going The DistanceStory-telling

Cause he's going the distance, he's going for speed

~ Cake

Coming from one of the most isolated places in the world, West Australians are used to going the distance to get anywhere. Literally the long haul, the marathon.  This month, storytellers with stamina to overcome the impossible. Whether it be a race, a relationship, a job or a tough moment in life. 

Line-up: TBC


$25 (+fee) VIB Members (to become a VIB click here)
$30 (+fee) General Public

Doors sales only if not sold out.

Doors open 7pm | Stories start 8pm

*Intoxicating stories told and intoxicating beverages sold on the premises.

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