28.07.23Friday 8:00PM - 2:00AM
ONO Underground No. 2Dance / Electronic

After two years of waiting patiently beneath the earth of Boorloo, ONO Records presents the second dance of the deep, ONO Underground! New ’n’ improved with a fresh face in a new subterranean home. Shorter line up → longer sets → deeper sounds.

Presenting three long standing residents of the Boorloo underground

→ Lia T ←

→ Backtrack ←

→ Ernest & Young ←

$10 through Humanitix

$15 on the door

Join us for a second sermon at the Cathedral of da Deep and move ur feet!

This event is taking place on unceded Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar. ONO Records wish to recognise the utmost privilege of gathering here and pay our respects to elders past and present. Always was and always will be Aboriginal Land! Free entry for First Nations folk, just get in touch with ONO Records via Instagram, Facebook, or Email us at Onorecordings@gmail.com

The Goodwill Club is wheelchair accessible, and we will not be using any strobe lighting at this event. However, if any patron has any issues or questions about accessibility to this event, please do not hesitate to get in touch by messaging ONO Records or Backtrack on Instagram, or emailing using the address listed above.

This event and venue is an all inclusive and safe space, with a zero-tolerance policy for anti-social, discriminatory or otherwise unacceptable behaviour. If you feel unsafe in any way please do not hesitate to approach the promoters (James & Warwick), the DJs, bar staff or security. We are here to help!

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