12.05.23Friday 6:45PM - 7:45PM
Grant Mushet - Great Dick EneryComedy

Following on from a sell-out FRINGE WORLD 2022 award-winning show "Good Dick Energy" - Great Dick Energy is a follow-up show by Scottish comedian Grant Mushet for 2023. 

GOOD Dick Energy was a memoir of all the crazy things Grant had done whilst travelling around the world. GREAT Dick Energy is his life now - misses, kids, leaving FIFO work to pursue comedy, a different life but equally as funny. It will leave you relishing in those “WTF” moments and have you re-cycling jokes to your mates whilst losing your sh*t for weeks to come.   

Having moved to Australia to work on oil rigs and mine sites before quitting to pursue comedy full-time Grant Mushet is a seasoned professional stand-up comedian of pure gusto who works a room with incredible crowd work, unbelievable stories and hilarious gags. 

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