14.02.21Sunday 12:01PM - 3:00AM
Crap Music Rave Party: FOOTLOOSE End-Of-Restrictions EditionDance Music / Dance Party / DJ

Lockdown was a weird time, and since then we've had a ban on dancing at events. That's right: Perth has been under the law from Footloose. No dancing!

But at 12:01am on Sunday morning, that rule is OVER.SO THERE WILL BE DANCING.

To celebrate Perth's return to being the dancefloor capital of the world, our own international party icon Tomás Ford is throwing down a big mega 2-hours-of-DJ-power. It's Crap Music Rave Party: Footloose Edition.

If you haven't been to a Crap Music Rave Party, the only rule is: you can request any song you want, as long as it sucks. Not sure what to request? Here's some ideas to get you started: The Pussycat Dolls, 2 Unlimited, Fine Young Cannibals, Jennifer Paige's "Crush", Village People, 5ive, C & C Music Factory, Rogue Traders, Slice Of Heaven, M People, Bob The Builder covers of pop songs, Wham!, dubstep remixes of Beatles songs, "A Star Is Born" Soundtrack (any version), Backstreet Boys, Mel C, Mel B, Mel & Kim, Melanie of "I've got a Brand New Pair Of Rollerskates..." fame, Gangnam Style, Limp Bizkit, Boney M, Hannah Montana, Gwyneth Paltrow's singing career, Vengaboys, Eurovision, Cats, the Footloose soundtrack (obviously)... the possibilities are endless, as long as we can dance or shout-sing along with it, it's happening. 

It all kicks off as soon as the restrictions lift at 12:01am at The Rechabite in Northbridge. Book quickly at https://megatix.com.au/events/footlooserave - tickets are limited and will sell out!

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