ABC RADIO: The Rechabite Reimagined
On Breakfast with Nadia Mitsopoulos and Russell Woolf
Today on brekky we're taking you on a tour of Rechabites Hall on William St.
It first opened in 1923, commissioned by the Perth chapter of the independent order of Rechabites.
Since then it's been everything from a bank to a dance hall and in recent years, sat empty.
Now Marcus Caning, the man behind Fringeworld's success, and developer Adrian Fini have breathed new life into the building creating a restaurant, basement club, rooftop bar and of course the hall itself.
Marcus took Jo Trilling on a tour and for those of you who've been inside- you're in for a big surprise.
Duration:8min 33sec
Broadcast:Thu 8 Aug 2019, 6:00am